
Lone Star Market Research LLC is the Voice of the Consumer!

Join our database & get paid for your opinions! Focus groups, usability studies & consumer testing. Lone Star Market Research LLC is the voice of the consumer

 Whether you need recruiting for focus groups, IDIs, mobile app research, video diaries, bulletin board forums, online questionnaires or any other technique, let us show you how to get the most from your research dollar. Our collaborative approach will lead to exploring new ground, discovering fresh insights, and identifying the Big Ideas.

Because we have moderated groups, we know how important it is to find good study participants. They can make or break your study. We strive to find people who are fresh and engaged in the session, not serial respondents.

We ensure a strong, targeted, and diverse pool of participants who are eager to offer their opinions. We specialize in young, “trend-setting” adults, small business owners, tech-savvy consumers and people in high tech jobs, especially IT professionals. But with our diverse database, we can recruit anything from beer studies to computer testing.